How to get a list of vendors who have been paid $600 or more regardless of their 1099 status
Although there is no vendor report that allows you to put in an amount range on the total paid to the vendor, you may run a Vendor Audit Report for the Custom Date Range of the calendar year. This will report on the total amount given to each vendor within the custom date range (not just those who have given $600 or more).
To run the Vendor Audit Report listing 1099 vendors and amounts, go into Ledger & Payables → Reports → Standard Reports → Vendors → Vendor Audit Report.
The resulting report is a list of payments made to each vendor sorted by vendor and totaled. This allows you to see the total amount paid to each vendor for the year, regardless of their 1099 status and regardless of the total amount paid to each vendor.
Please note, the software will not produce a 1099 form for any vendor who is paid under 600.00 for the year, even if the vendor is marked as a 1099 vendor.