PSG Gear Button - Locations: How to add a location with funds only for that location

How to create a location with funds just for that location

In ParishSOFT Giving you can create multiple campuses to generate unique giving portals for campaigns and projects that need more than just a dedicated fund or category. 

If you do not see the Locations option under Settings (shown in the screenshot under #2 below) please contact your organization admin regarding your permissions

There are three steps to create unique giving portals for individual campaigns or projects.

  1. Create a giving form specifically for this location or project. You may create the form after creating the location but then you must go back into the location properties and update the association to the new form. It is more efficient to create the location/project giving form first.
  2. Add/create a location.
  3. Associate the location with the giving form.

First, create a location.   

  1. Go to Settings.
  2. Select Locations.
  3. Click on the Add New Location button.
  4. Enter the name of the new Location, then select a giving form for it. 
    • If a Giving form has yet to be created for the Location, select an existing form just for the initial Location creation. 
    • You can upload a logo for the Location now on this screen, or you can always come back later to upload a logo image later. 2020-11-02_15-18-47.jpg
    • Click Save when you're done.
    • Your new Location will now show on the Location Management screen with its own dedicated URL.
      You can always return to the Locations screen to edit the Location, add a logo, or change the giving form associated with it.

Funds just for your new Location

To associate a fund(s) with your new Location, make sure that only the funds for that Location are showing on the Location's giving form.  To do this, make sure that:

  • any payment field on the form is tied to only funds for that Location
  • the form is tied only to a Location-specific fund
  • If you use a payment field like Fund Dropdown, make sure that in the field properties
    • the checkboxes for any non-Location funds is left unchecked
    • the Location-specific funds are checked




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