PSA L&P - Vendors: How to see vendor activity through a report or through the vendor screen

How to see vendor activity through a report or through the vendor screen

To see vendor activity you can run a Vendor Audit Report:  Reports → Vendors → Vendor Audit 

  • In the configure report screen, you may select one, several, or all vendors
    • To select vendors that are not listed consecutively, use the CTRL key and click on each vendor
    • To select vendors that are listed consecutively, you may click on the first and scroll down to the last or select the first then depress the SHIFT key and click the last one in the group.
  • If you have Vendor Type set up, you may also select all vendors that are categorized by a specific type (supplies, service, ministry, etc.)
  • Under Report Options, you may choose to include inactive vendors or to include only 1099 Transactions in the report

To see bills that have been entered for one or more vendors you can use the Find Bill link:  Bills → Find Bill  

In the Bill Search fields, each selection you make will narrow the results.

  • If you enter a transaction number, you will see only the transaction with that transaction number.
  • If you enter the transaction number and choose a vendor that is different than the vendor on that transaction, you will not get any results.
  • If you leave all of the fields blank as shown here, you will get a list of all bills because no filter is set.

Once you have entered your search filters, click the Search button to see the results based on this criteria. Click Show All if you want to see all of the transactions regardless of the search criteria. 








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