PSG Reports - Forms Exports: How to make Special Characters load properly in a CSV file

How to make special characters load properly in a CSV file

If you're using MS Office Excel, which doesn't allow UTF-8 character encoding (Special/Non-English characters such as a tilde) to display properly in CSV files, then you can get around this by doing the following steps:

  1. Open Microsoft Excel.
  2. Click on the Data menu bar option.

  3. Click on the From Text icon.

  4. Select your saved file and choose Import.

  5. Under File Origin, select 65001: Unicode (UTF-8) for the file Origin.

  6. Select Transform Data at the bottom.

This will cause all of the UTF-8 character encoding--Special characters--to display wherever they are present.  When saving the file afterward, you will need to select an Excel Workbook format and not a CSV format.




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