PSA Payroll - Checks: How to change a check number in an open payroll

How to change a check number in an open payroll

When you're in the middle of your Payroll Process you may find that the check numbers issued by the system do not match your current check stock.  When that happens, you may need to update the payroll check numbers prior to printing.

To change a check number in an open payroll, do the following:

  1. On your existing Payroll, go to tab #7, Print Checks.
  2. Click the Submit button in order to get to the checks that need to be printed.
  3. Once in the Print Checks screen with the checks you wish to print, you can click on the Number section to the left of the check and change the existing check number.
  4. You will be asked if you wish to resequence any checks after this.  Go ahead and click OK.
  5. You will then be able to print your payroll checks with their new numbers. 







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