How to send an alert now (non-emergency)
These steps walk through how to send a generic alert (doesn't specify call, voicemail, email). To see specific steps for sending an email message, click here.
- Begin on the Send Alert Page
- Which is the first page you will see when you log into your account as an Admin.
- You may also access the Send Alert Page by hovering over Alerts and selecting Send Alert.
- Fill out the information regarding who to send the alert to.
- Select Groups: These have been defined by Admin accounts in Groups → Add Groups
- User Types: Member, Staff, Admin
- Message Type: Choose from the dropdown list. If sending an email, click here.
- Fill out the message information.
Insert Name Options will add each person's name into the message. This may be preferable when using an email alert and no so much when using a text alert.
- For example, selecting the First Name option will insert the placeholder for the first name that looks like this: $firstname$.
- Insert Template: You may have already created a template of a particular kind of alert you want to send. If so, you may insert the Template and then modify it for this particular alert. Likewise, once you have created an alert, you may save it by clicking the Save Template button.
- Message Subject
- Message Body
Insert Name Options will add each person's name into the message. This may be preferable when using an email alert and no so much when using a text alert.
- At this point, if you want to send the message now, you must click the Send Message Now Button at the bottom.
How to send an email alert
After adding that email or phone number, you will have the opportunity to choose it from the drop-down menu when sending alerts.
- Under Alerts choose Send Alert
- For Message Type choose email.
- Click the drop-down menu by "Reply to Address" and choose from the list.