ParishCast Users - Add Users: How to add a ParishCast user (Member, Staff, Admin)

How to add a ParishCast user (Member, Staff, Admin)

Step 1- After logging into ParishCast, Select Users → Add Users.

Step 2- Add user information on the Add User Form

  1. The first field to populate is the User Type
    • Staff user has permission to send alerts and past alerts to specific groups.
    • Member user is enabled to receive text messages, phone calls, or emails from their organization's communication system. They can also log in to review and edit their contact information within the organization's system.
    • An Admin user must have an email address as one of their contact methods. When changes are made to ParishCast all Admin users will be notified through email. Admin users can add new users, add new alerts, print reports, etc.
  2. Click on the Create User Name button for a system-generated User Name and Password.
    • Jot down the username and password if this is an administrative account so you can pass this information on to the administrator.
    • The user can log in and update their own information after being supplied with the initial credentials.
  3. Fill out the rest of the form with any contact information you have. Email addresses can be used to recover passwords for when passwords have been forgotten. The proper fields must be filled in if you plan to communicate with your user in any of these ways: email, cell phone, home phone
  4. If you want to contact this user as part of group communication, make sure to add them to the correct group.
  5. If the user will be one that sends messages to others or who will want to log in to update their own contact information, send the login information to the user.

To learn more about ParishCast, please follow the ParishCast Rapid Communication System link.




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