PSG Forms - Adding Field Sets: How to add and use Field Sets

How to add and use Field Sets

Previously, when designing a form, each field had to be added and defined one at a time no matter how many iterations of the same fields were required. This has now changed. You are now able to group multiple fields together into a single set and re-use this set when designing your form. This group of multiple fields is called a Field Set.

There are two types of Field Sets: Basic and Person.

  1. Basic: This Field Set doesn't count towards overall form submission limits and can be used to group sets of fields that are used repeatedly on all sorts of forms such as registration or donation forms. An example of a Basic Field Set may be fields required to enter the general information of several donated items (description, worth, type).
  2. Person: This Field Set has options that allow entry of people information which can be set up to count towards overall registration or submission numbers. An example of a Person Field Set may be a set of fields required to enter the personal information for several children in a family (name, age, grade).


How to add a Basic Field Set

  1. To add a Basic Field Set, click Basic from the Fields menu.
  2. A Field Set Properties window will display. Fill out each option on both the GENERAL INFO tab and the CONDITIONS tab according to your preferences.  general_properties.jpg
    Since there are any number of variations of Field Sets that may be created, this article will only address one example.

    In this example, a Field Set that is used to record non-monetary donations, like clothing and furniture, is demonstrated. The Field Set is assigned the name, Items Donated, and the total allowed per form is set to 10.
  3. Once the Field Set Properties are selected, click OK down at the bottom.
  4. The next screen will list Basic Fields from which you may build your Field Set. Simply choose a field and drag it to the Field Set Form.

    In this example,  a short-text field is added to the form by dragging and dropping the field into the middle of the Field Set Form.
  5. The Field Properties window for the field will pop-up.  Define the details of the field.
  6. Continue to add additional fields.

    In this example, a Numbers field was added to allow entry of the monetary value of the donated item.
    After setting up the Field Set Form Properties and adding all of the fields,  the Field Set Form will look similar to the one below. In this example, the Total Allowed on the Properties page was set to allow entry of 10 items donated, so the link, ADD ANOTHER ITEMS DONATED, will display at the bottom and be available until the 10th entry is made.


How to add a Person Field Set

  1. To add the Person Field Set, click on Person in the field menu.
  2. A Form Properties window will come up for the field set. Note there are three tabs for the Person Field Set: GENERAL INFO, PAYMENT INFO, and CONDITIONS.
  3. Since there are any number of variations of Field Sets that may be created, this article will only address one example: Volunteer.

    In this example, a Person Field Set for Volunteer Information is created.
    On the Payment Info Tab, a small registration fee for Volunteer food is added.
  4. Once the Person Field Set Properties have been defined, click OK down at the bottom.
  5. Note, the Person Field Set will give you basic name fields for First and Last names, but nothing else.2019-06-27_17-09-28.jpg

    Since this example is for registration information additional fields have been added to ensure the pertinent information is gathered.2019-06-27_17-12-46.jpg

    The Person Field Set will allow multiple volunteers (up to 5 in this example) to be added on one form and it will look like this:
    The volunteer food fees will total at the bottom.



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