PSFS Ministry Scheduler - Preferences: How to adjust the availability of a Minister, also known as the "Willingness To Serve" field

How to adjust the availability of a Minister, also known as the "Willingness To Serve" field

For example, if the minister can only work once a month or the second and fourth Sunday of every month this article will show you how to set that up. 

  1. To adjust the Willingness To Serve settings, go to Preferences

  1. Find the Family Record from the list generated.  If a list does not generate click on the refresh icon.
  2. Select the person icon to access Member Preferences

  1. Select the particular member from the Members box on the left of the page then click the Ministry tab.

  1. Click the refresh icon on the ministry you want to edit.

  1. Disable the Always Available check box and select either One Time Event or Recurring Event radio buttons. If you select Recurring Event, fill in the appropriate recurrence schedule.

  1. Click Save

IMPORTANT: Do NOT enable the Apply Selection To All Ministries. This will cause problems with your schedule.




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