How to understand each screen in the Print Checks screen sequence
From the time you click 7) Print Checks in the check printing process, you will have four screens briefly described here and then in detail below:
Screen 1- Check Selection allows you to select which employees to pay presently, Those you do not select will display in Screen 4. If no employees are listed, see the detail description for Screen 1 below.
Screen 2- Print Checks allows you to edit (change) the check number. If no checks have been created and the checking account you selected is incorrect, you can change the bank account by going back to 1) Setup Payroll.
Screen 3- PDF Pop-up and Verification screens allow you to print the checks from the PDF and mark the checks as having printed which removes them from the print queue.
Screen 4- Check Selection This is actually Screen 1 again. It allows you to select which employees to pay in case you did not select them all in Screen 1. Most often all of the employees are selected in Screen 1, and no employees display on this screen the second time, in which case, you may move on to Step 8) Ach File if you have direct deposit employees.
Print Checks screen sequence in detail
Screen 1- Check Selection: This screen lists all of the employees you selected in Step 2) Select Employees and allows you to select the ones for whom you'd like to print a check presently.
- Normally, you will see a list of employees when you go into Step 7. If no employees display, it is likely because of one of the following:
a) all of the checks in this payroll process have already been printed (see Screen 4), or
b) all of the selected employees use ACH File processing and none get printed checks. - Mark those employees for which you would like to print checks and click Submit.
- The Beginning Check Number is the next available check number for the bank account. If the check number is incorrect it can be changed on a future screen. If it is wrong all of the time, you may consider setting a check ceiling.
Screen 2- Print Checks
- Allows you to edit the check number
- If the checking account is incorrect and you have not created any checks you can go back to 1) Setup Payroll and change it there.
- If there are checks ready to print, they will be marked to print as shown in the little check-mark box to the left of each check number. If you do not want to print a check remove the check mark for that employee.
Screen 3- PDF Pop-up and Verification screens allow you to print the checks from the PDF and mark the checks as having printed which removes them from the print queue.
Screen 4- Check Selection allows you to select which employees to pay (again). This is in case you did not select them all in Screen 1. Most often all of the employees are selected in Screen 1, and you may move on to Step 8) Ach File or Step 9) Close Payroll.