Customer Onboarding Individual - Migration From ParishSOFT Desktop: Migration Checklist

Family Directory Module:

  1. Run Duplicate Checker to eliminate any duplicates within your parish data.
  2. Make sure all ParishSOFT Desktop users have a named Staff Member Record in your database with login credentials, and both a Family and a Member record in your parish database for that staff member.

    This is required for the staff record to be displayed in the new ParishSOFT Family Suite platform.
    • Passwords must be at least 6 characters long and contain two numbers.
    • "Pass" will no longer be a valid password.
  3. Member/Family pictures do not migrate over to ParishSOFT Family Suite.You will have to re-import once on the new system.
  4. Please record the following counts from desktop prior to transition. They will be used for post-transition review in ParishSOFT Family Suite:

Family Directory Counts
“Both” Families
“Registered” Families
“Registered” Families in the “Active” Family Group
Families to Receive Envelopes
Family Workgroups

Offering & Pledges Counts
Funds – must have fund access to view funds
Contribution Totals – the Pastor Report or Fund totals are good reports for this
Pledge Totals – the Pledge report for each pledge fund

Offering and Pledges:
ParishSOFT recommends that you close all Batches in the Offering module before the transition.  If you are unable to do so, you will have the opportunity to mass close the open batches once in ParishSOFT Family Suite.

  1. Hidden batches will not display in ParishSOFT Family Suite. You must unhide these batches prior to transition.
  2. Review and update Fund Number, ParishSOFT Family Suite only allows numbers and dashes.
    For example: Fund Numbers 123.4  or 123/4 will not transition; the acceptable format is 123-4.
  1. Review and update Fund Descriptions, ParishSOFT Family Suite only allows letters, numbers, and dashes.
    For example: Fund Descriptions Flowers & Candles or Maintenance/Heating will not migrate; the acceptable format is Flowers and Candles or Maintenance_Heating

Religious Education Module:
There is no work to be done on your part in preparation for the transition of Religious Education data.

NOTE: The following fields do not transition to ParishSOFT Family Suite

  1. Student Records-fields
    • Attendance records
    • Knowledge
    • Attitude
    • Grade Pt.
    • Promote
  2. Milestones

Tuition Module:
Tuition data does not transition from the desktop application.  If you plan on using Tuition in ParishSOFT Family Suite you will need to set up that module and start fresh following your transition. To help with this process we recommend you print out any open invoices from the Desktop.  Additionally, you may want to run a Full List Tuition Report for each year you have recorded Tuition in the Desktop.  Please refer to pages 166-170 in your Religious Education User Guide for instructions.

Time & Talent Module:
Print/Save a copy of at least three months of your schedules before the transition, so the person doing the scheduling has time to learn to use the new system.

 NOTE: Time & Talent Schedules, Exception Dates and Time Served Counts do not transition from the desktop.


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