PSG Forms - Form Field Properties: How to add or edit the funds on a Give Now Form

How to add or edit the funds on a Give Now Form

  1. Select the Forms Icon.
  2. Select the form you want to update in one of two ways: 
    • Click the name of the form -or-
    • Click the ellipses action icon horizontal_ellipse.png next to the form name and then select Edit Form.
  3. If the Fund Dropdowns field has not yet been added, from the field selection panel on the right of the page, under Payment Fields, select Fund Dropdown(s).
  4. When a fund field is added to a newly created Giving Form (Give Now Form), it will default to display no funds.
  5. To make funds available to select, you must edit the funds. Select the gear (configure) action button to the right of the Fund Dropdown or My Donations.
  6. From there select Fund Items.
  7. Any fund with the Display check-box selected will display for donors on the Give Now page and for those with text giving as well.
  8. If you'd like to re-order the funds, click the drag-field icon drag-field_icon.png to the right of the fund and drag the field (up or down) into the desired location. This fund order will be the same on the Give Now form and in Text Giving.
  9. When you've finished making your changes, select OK.

    Select Save Changes at the bottom.
    Then, choose Publish.


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How to Create a new Fund

How to edit Funds




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