How to find and approve people who have volunteered to serve in a ministry through My Own Church
- From Ministry Scheduler, choose the Minister Directory tab.
- Click the Batch-Add New Ministers button.
- Under Ministry Search, choose the group, ministry, and the event for which you are adding ministers, then click the Volunteered checkbox. This will select all members who have, through My Own Church, volunteered for that specific criteria, and display their names on the right side of the screen.
- Check the boxes next to the volunteers that you want to add to the ministry as available for scheduling. For example, you may choose to mark only those members who have gone through training for this particular ministry.
- Enter the relevant ministry information under New Minister's Data in the lower left. If this group of volunteers has been trained, mark the Trained? check-box.
- Ministers will not be available to schedule until the Trained? checkbox has been marked.
- Ministers may be marked as trained later, once training has been completed. Either edit each individual record through Ministry Directory or select the Batch-Edit Ministers option and mark the Trained? checkbox.
- Once these volunteers have been added, they will be considered ministers regardless of their Trained status.
- Once you add a volunteer as a minister, their name will not display on the volunteer list.
- Click Save Ministers.
There is not a way to get a list of all members at once who have volunteered for any event in My Own Church. You may only bring up all volunteers per specific event.