PSFS IQ - Religious Ed: How to create a query to report students enrolled last year but not this year

How to create a query to report students enrolled last year but not this year

If you do not yet know how to create an IQ Query, first review the following article:

How to create, run, modify, and save a new query

If you are familiar with IQ, use the following two conditions:

  1. Religious Education: School Year: Starts With: Last Year Term Name, such as 2019
  2. Members: Member DUID: Not in sub-query: [edit sub-query]
    • Click "Edit sub-query" and add the following sub-query:
      • Religious Education: School Year: Starts With: This Year Term Name, such as 2018

Before running the query, check the box for "Unique Results Only."

If you include member information in the result columns, you'll get a list of students. If you include family information, you will get a list of families.




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