How to set up release accounts
Each type of restriction needs a release account. Most organizations set up three release accounts per entity, one for each type of restriction: unrestricted, temporarily restricted, or permanently restricted.
To set up a release account, first, add the account to your chart; then designate it as a release account for the particular account restriction type.
Add one account per release type per entity
Add the accounts to be used as release accounts in Ledger and Payables → Accounts → New Account. All release accounts are Income Accounts. We suggest that you clearly label your release account in the Account Description field, noting the entity and release type as shown below.
Designate the release account
To designate each GAAP release account to the correct entity and restriction type, go to Ledger and Payables → Setup → GAAP Release Accounts.
Each Net Account will be listed three times, once for each restriction type: without, temporary restrictions, permanent restrictions. To map or designate the release account, click the Select an Account link.
Use the drop-down menu to select the correct release account for this entity and restriction type, then submit.
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How to add an account (independent organization)
How to add an account when part of a diocese