How to fill out the organization setup forms for ParishSOFT Giving
When you purchase ParishSOFT Giving you will get an email from ParishSOFT Online Giving with a login for your giving site, where you will be able to click on the Application form you need to fill out in order to get started. For tips about what to get ready prior to filling out this form click here.
- From the Giving Dashboard, click on Revise Merchant App.
- Fill out the form which includes Organization details. Once you are done entering information, click Next.
- On the following page of the application, you will be asked to provide your depository account information and your principal-agent or applicant. This will be for the default bank account you would like most donations to go to. You can add additional bank accounts at a later time, once your site is live.
- On the third page, you will be able to upload the required documents. The three main required documents are a voided check (for your depository account), proof of 501C3 or Non-profit status (Joint rulings are acceptable), and the driver's license for your principal-agent or applicant.
- To upload specific documents, choose the document type in the Type dropdown.
Then, drag the file from your desktop or file-browser or click the option to Choose File to search for it. Once you've made your selection, click Upload.
- Click Submit in the bottom right of your form.
You will receive a welcome email within 24 to 48 hours from an email address with an domain or the domain. If you have any questions, please contact Support |866.930.4774 Ext. 2 | email
Things to keep in mind when filling out the form:
- The principal-agent or applicant mentioned in the form can be anyone, as long as they have they can authorize charges to the account and sign checks for the account.
- When filling out the field for Social Security Number, enter the Social Security Number for the principle-agent or applicant. This is for the Identity verification of the principle-agent or applicant.
- The principle-agent or applicant will need to provide a driver's license (picture or scanned and uploaded in the form), and the principle-agent or applicant address will need to match that of their driver's license. This is also for the identity verification of the principle-agent or applicant.
- You will need to provide a copy of a voided check (also can be a picture or scanned and uploaded in the form).
- You will need a 501C3 or other proof of non-profit status. Joint rulings from the diocese are acceptable documents.
- The church's account manager may be able to assist with filling out these applications.
- If a church's bank is merging, so they would be getting new bank account numbers/routing numbers, it may be best to set up the giving site with the new account (if the merge date is known). To do so, submit a letter from the new bank on the bank's letterhead showing the new bank's name and account/routing number.
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