PSFS IQ - Query Builder: How to use workgroups to facilitate removing envelope numbers

How to use workgroups to facilitate removing envelope numbers

  1. Build this query in IQ.
  2. Using the Query you just created and saved, create a family workgroup in IQ
  3. Filter the family list by this workgroup and remove each envelope number manually.



Build this query

In IQ, Query Builder, build a query to select all families with an envelope number and who have given before a certain date listing the Family DUID, envelope number, last name, and mailing name.

Add Conditions

  1. In the Query Conditions section, select Add new condition.
  2. In the dropdown, select Families → Envelope Numbers.
  3. Click the default operator link, is equal to, and change it to is not null
  4. Click the enter value link and enter 0.
  5. Again, in the dropdown, select Families → Envelope Numbers.
  6. Click the default operator link, is equal to, and change it to is not equal to.
  1. Select the {+}  add group of conditions icon.
  2. Click the default operator link that says and any of the following apply to none.
  3. Click the default category and select Contributions → Payment Date
  4. Change the default operator from is between to after. 
  5. Click the link to the default value 00:00 and select the date from the calendar that meet your criteria.

Add Results Columns

Click the link in the Result Columns window to Add new columns for each of the following:

  • Select Families → Family Duid
  • Select Families → Envelope Number
  • Select Families → Last Name
  • Select Families → Mailing Name

Save the Query

Continue to step 2, create a family workgroup in IQ.

Complete the process with step 3, Filter the family list by this workgroup and remove each envelope number manually.





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