PSA Getting Started - Bills: How to enter bills already recorded in your old system ("pseudo bills")

How to enter bills already recorded in your old system ("pseudo bills")

You may have unpaid Bills that were already recorded in your previous accounting software.

  • If you use a cash-basis accounting system, you only need to enter any unpaid Bills in the Bills screen. 
  • If you use an accrual-basis accounting system, you will need to enter a "pseudo bill" for invoices entered but not paid in your old system.  Entering the bill as a pseudo bill will not affect the balance in Accounts Payable, it simply puts the bill in the system to be paid.

To enter a pseudo bill:

Go to Bills → Select the A/P account → Create a new Bill

On line #1 enter the SAME SHORTCUT AS YOUR A/P ACCOUNT, enter the amount and fill out other information such as Comment (e.g. "Enter bill from the prior system") and click Submit.

The Bill will be available to pay, but it will not affect the general ledger because it has been entered as a pseudo bill.

After entering all prior year unpaid Bills, go to Reports → Transactions → Bills List.  The total on the report should agree with your Accounts Payable beginning balance.



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