PSA L&P - Reports: My Statement of Activities report does not match the Statement of Activities - Detailed Quarterly report

My Statement of Activities (SOA) report does not match the Statement of Activities - Detailed Quarterly report (SOA-DQ)

To understand the differences between these two reports, you must understand the difference between the terms Full Year Actual and YTD Actual

The Full Year Actual reflects account totals for the whole year regardless of the report month selected or the quarter selected. The YTD Actual reflects account totals through the month selected on the Configure Report screen.

The only time the SOA YTD Actual will match the SOA-DQ Full Year Actual, is when the last month for which all transactions have been entered matches the selected month or matches a month in the selected quarter. For example, they will match if you have entered all transactions through October and the month chosen on the report is October or the quarter chosen is the quarter which includes October. In each of these cases, the YTD Actual and the Full Year Actual are exactly the same. It's when you run the reports for prior months where these numbers will not match since the Full Year Actual will always reflect all data entered (through October in our example) while the YTD Actual will only reflect the total through the date selected on the Configure Report page.

The Full Year Actual will be the same for the SOA-DQ report no matter for which quarter you run it. Also, when certain dates match, certain columns will also match. For example, see the two reports below where since September is also the last month of the quarter, the Quarter Actual matches the September YTD Actual. The Full Year Actual does not match the YTD Actual because this report was actually run in November and all of Octobers data are included in that number. 










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