PSG Gear Icon - Text Giving: How to customize the Text Giving Template for text giving replies

How to customize the Text Giving Template for text giving replies

*This article references the ParishSOFT Giving Marketing Kit Offertory Cards.  For other Offertory Card options that you can print, see our free Online Marketing Kit.

Click the Gear action button in the upper right corner then select the Text Giving card.

(A) To check-box for: Enable Text Giving & Agree to the monthly fee must be checked to use text giving.

(B) The Reserved Phone Number box will display the phone number the church has selected.

(C) The Text Giving For only displays if the church has multiple campuses with the same Tax ID and has requests this option be turned on.

(D) The Text Confirmation Message will allow the church to input a customized message text givers.  At the bottom of the text box, it gives a character count so you know that your response fits into a single text response.

If you'd like the donor to be texted an image of a donor card they could print and drop in the church collection basket, here is some recommended text:

Thank you for your contribution!

Here is a donor card:

(E) It is highly recommended that this setting (Do you want your donors to be able to give to a fund, not in your settings?) be set to NO.  Otherwise, the donors' gift can create a new fund that cannot be merged into any other funds.

(F) When the settings are how the church would like them, you can select Save Settings.


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