PSFS Family Suite - General: How to reset my own password for ParishSOFT Family Suite


How to reset my own password for ParishSOFT Family Suite

  1. From your login page, click the Lost password? link
  1. On the next screen, you will be prompted to enter in your username, first and last name, email address and your postal code. Only the data with a red asterisk (*) is required; this has been highlighted in the image below. This does require that you know the email address associated with your member/staff record. If the data entered is not correct the password reset will not work.
  1. After you have entered the required data, you will receive the following notification. You should receive an email with a temporary password pretty immediately. If it doesn't come through, try checking your spam or junk folder. 
  1. Again, the email is sent to the email associated to your profile. Your email will look like the image below.  The temporary password will appear in the same format as the example.


Once this email is received, you will be ready to try logging into ParishSoft Family Suite. If you received the message that you tried 3 times and need to restart your browser, please follow the steps found here.

Note: If the temporary password is not working be sure that you are not adding any extra spaces at the beginning or end of the password and that you have entered all of the characters correctly. Passwords are case-sensitive.


Related Articles:

How to reset staff passwords within family suite


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