PSA Payroll - Personal Time: How to set up and record Personal Time for employees

How to set up and record Personal Time for employees

Personal time categories must be set up before you can enter personal time for an employee.

Employee personal time can be set up two ways: either the employee earns time each payroll or the employee earns personal time as a lump sum. You can record personal time using hours or using days. In the examples below, personal time is recorded in hours.

To set up personal time for an employee who earns time each payroll, go to the Employee record Personal tab, and choose the type of Personal Time (Bereavement, PTO, Sick, Vacation). These Personal Time Types are known as categories and are added through the Setup screen.  Once you've selected the type of Personal Time, check the box 'Earn per Payroll' and enter the amount per payroll, and any Limit.


To set up personal time for an employee who earns personal time as a lump sum, go to the Employee record Personal tab, and choose the type of Personal Time (Bereavement, PTO, Sick, Vacation). These Personal Time Types are known as categories and are added through the Setup screenOnce you've selected the type of Personal Time, you can enter the lump sum for the employee in the Details grid.


To record personal time used, in the Employee Personal tab, choose the type of personal time. Then, in the Details section enter a date, whether the time is earned or used, the amount of time, and any notes you would like to record.


If you attempt to use more time than is available you will get an error message.



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