PSA Payroll - Calculate Error: "The following employees have a zero time card and will result in a zero paycheck"

Calculate Error: "The following employees have a zero time card and will result in a zero paycheck"

The main reason this error would display on step 4, Calculate, is because the hours/units for the listed employees is set to zero. Depending on the reason the hours/units is set to zero, you may handle this differently.

Variable Hours: The employee does not work the same number of hours each pay period.

Former Employee: The employee is no longer employed and therefor has no hours.

Entered in Error: The employee was entered in error perhaps as a duplicate employee or for any other reason.


Variable Hours

If the employee does not have a set number of hours, the hours/units in the employee record may be set to 0.00 hours to be updated during the payroll process. If this is the case, the time card must be updated in step 3 of the payroll process. The shot below shows the hours being updated to 80.00 and submitted.

Payroll Process → (3) Edit Timecards → Hours/Units column


Former Employees

If the employee is a former employee, you will prevent this record from being selected in future payroll processes if you make the record inactive. 

Payroll → Employees → Go (to select employee) → Emp/Cust Tab

Unmark the Active box and select Submit



Entered in Error

If the employee has been entered in error and has never been used in a payroll process, you may delete the employee record.

Payroll → Employees → Go (to select employee) 

Select the Delete button at the bottom of the screen

Related Articles

How to resolve zero timecard error (video)


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