PSG Reports - Recurring Gifts: How to update recurring gifts broken by changes to a fund

How to update recurring gifts broken by changes to a fund

When changes are made to the name of a fund, the Recurring Gifts for that fund will need to be updated to include the newly added fund name as follows:

  1. Go to the Recurring Gifts report in your Control Panel.

  2. Look for Recurring Gifts that are tied to the updated fund. 
    • Choose one and click the Action button; then select Modify.
    • When a fund change has broken the link between the Recurring Gift and the fund, you must choose a new, active fund so that the gift can continue to process correctly.
  3. To resolve it, choose the correct fund for the donation from the Fund Name dropdown and click Save to update the Recurring Gift.
  4. Once the Gift has been updated, you will see a confirmation like this at the bottom of the page.

Your scheduled gift for the newly updated fund will now process correctly.


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