PSG Gear Button - ChMS Integration: How to identify ChMS Sync errors

How to identify ChMS Sync errors

The ChMS Sync Report tab may show all transactions that have been processed in ParishSOFT Giving. If you select the Error radio button, you will only see those that have not successfully Synced or Integrated over to ParishSOFT Family Suite Offering. *See the image at the bottom of this article to see an image.

  1. To get the report go to the Gear Icon, then to ChMS Integration → ChMS Sync Report.
  2. The following are common error messages:
    • No Member Record returned from ParishSOFT API - The family could not be located in the ParishSOFT Family Suite. Verify that the Family number (F_DUID), envelope number, and email address in ParishSOFT Giving match those in ParishSOFT Family Suite.
    • Unable to find donor and this integration has disabled creating new donors - The family could not be located in the ParishSOFT Family Suite, and "Enable New Person Creation" is not turned on at the Organization.
    • First Name and Last Name must be valid - This message may mean that either the first, or last name of the donor is blank, or contains non-standard characters.
    • Unable to create ParishSOFT Donor. Bad Request - The family could not be located in the ParishSOFT Family Suite, or there is more than one record for the family. If no family record is found, then verify that the Family Name (first, last) and email address in ParishSOFT Giving match those in ParishSOFT Family Suite.  If there is no email address in ParishSOFT Giving, then you can either add any missing information needed in the Giving profile or choose "Match Donor" from the error tab to match them to the appropriate record in ParishSOFT Family Suite.  If there are multiple family records found, then you will see all of them when you click on "Match Donor" from the errors tab.
    • Unable to create a contribution.  Bad request - This error can come up if the donation is not able to integrate with ParishSOFT Family Suite due to either Fund Import settings, or the existence of multiple family records in ParishSOFT Family Suite, or no related family records in ParishSOFT Family Suite.  It's best to check and make sure that the family is linked to the correct record in the family suite, and that the Family Suite Fund is enabled for Import.
    • Corrected Record - The transaction did not automatically display in the giver's record and our Giving Team has added the record to the Family's Giving History in PS Giving.
    • Invalid Token - The Synchronization process is temporarily off.  The system does not try again.  You must manually sync by clicking on Action → Try Again. You can try to sync the transactions again in a few hours.
    • Invalid Fund ID Found () - When the fund for a transaction cannot be identified, either due to sync error, or recent changes made to the fund.  If it is a scheduled gift, try updating it to the corrected fund and manually try to sync the record again.
    • One or more errors occurred - Multiple problems prevented this transaction from being pushed to the Family Suite.  If you believe their information is correct right now, then try it again.
    • Object reference not set to an instance of an object - Multiple problems prevented this transaction from being pushed to the Family Suite.  If you believe their information is correct right now, then try it again.
    • Ambiguous Person Search - This means that this Giving Donor has multiple profiles in Family Suite.  To resolve, go to the Donor's profile and match them to the correct Member or Family Record and then try to send the donations over again.
    • No Default Fund Specified - This means that the donation is part of a fund that has not been fund-mapped to a fund in Family Suite, and either needs to be mapped or needs to be marked as not eligible for integration in Fund Management.
    • The Giving Fund is not mapped to a ChMS Fund - This error means that you still need to set up fund linking for this particular fund.  It can also mean that a fund name has been changed, and the system can therefore no longer find it.  If a fund name has been changed you will need to manually clear the error ("Mark as Good") and then manually enter that transaction in Family Suite.
    • Please re-authenticate your ParishSOFT access - This error may come up if you disabled integration for a time, and then turned it back on again.  This just tells you that the transaction tried to integrate during a time when ParishSOFT Integration wasn't connected.
  3. To send the transaction over to the ParishSOFT Family Suite again after you've made any needed changes in Family Suite or the Giving system, click Action → Try Again.
  4. To Ignore/Dismiss the message (the transaction has been sent to PS Family Suite Offering either through manual entry or manual Import), click Action → Mark As Good.



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