Conversion Integration Steps
For some of the steps below you will work with a member of the ParishSOFT team and other steps you’ll complete on your own. These steps are very important for a smooth conversion and data integration. Our Implementation Team will be in touch with you and available for any questions have along the way.
Step #1
Prepare your data for Conversion to ParishSOFT Family Suite. The completeness of your existing data will affect the accuracy of your converted data. To aid you with your preparation the link below will provide you with information for prepping your data for a successful conversion.
Tips for a Successful Conversion
Step #2
Complete your online conversion checklist!
This Online Conversion Checklist provides us with clear instructions for mapping records from your old system and keeps us on track to meet your scheduled data conversion date. The checklist will take you approximately 1 to 2 hours to complete.
To expedite the Online Conversion Checklist process, we recommend you use our Conversion Checklist Worksheet available from the link below. This worksheet will help you compile the necessary information from your existing software to complete the Online Conversion Check list.
Conversion Checklist Worksheet
After you have completed the Conversion Checklist Worksheet you will want to use the link in your confirmation email to access, complete and submit the online Conversion Checklist.
Step #3
After you have submitted the online Conversion Checklist, we’ll send you an email confirmation with your:
- Deadline for submitting your data
- Instructions for submitting data
- FTP address, username, and password
Step #4
The conversion of your data to ParishSOFT Family Suite will take approximately 3 to 5 business days from the start date to complete.
If your Diocese has scheduled ParishSOFT hands-on training, make sure you have signed up with your diocese to attend.
Step #5
When the conversion of your data is complete, you will receive an email with your login information. Your data will be placed in a read-only format for review. To guide you through the review and validation of your data in the ParishSOFT Family Suite stage site please use your Conversion Checklist Worksheet and the link below to access the Validation Checklist, and Validation Video.
Should you have any questions or find discrepancies in your converted data please email, contact your Project Manager directly, or fill out our issues form. Please be sure to provide a couple of detailed examples of any discrepancies you are reporting. Once you are satisfied with the results of your converted data you will work with your Project Manager to schedule your Final Data Conversion and provide a Final Data Conversion file. We will then ask you to stop entering updates after the file has been provided.
Step #6
After you have approved your Converted Data the ParishSOFT Implementation Team will integrate your converted data with the Diocesan data into a ParishSOFT stage site.
Step #7
When the integration of your data is complete, you will receive an email with your login information. Your data will be placed in a read-only format for review. To guide you through the review and validation of your data in the ParishSOFT Family Suite please use the links below to access the Data Validation Checklist, Video and the Data Integration Reports Overview.
Data Validation Checklist
Data Integration Reports Overview
Should you have any questions or find discrepancies in your converted data please email, contact your Project Manager directly, or fill out our issues form. Please be sure to provide a couple of detailed examples of any discrepancies you are reporting. Once you are satisfied with the results of your converted data you will work with your Project Manager to schedule your Final Data Conversion and provide a Final Data Conversion file. We will then ask you to stop entering updates after the file has been provided.
Step #8
Parish submits Final Data Conversion file 2 business days prior to scheduled Final Conversion date.
Step #9
After all the data in ParishSOFT has been approved, by the parish and the diocese, your converted data will be integrated into the production site. This final process takes 3 business days.
Step #10
While ParishSOFT is completing the technical work for integrating your converted data now is the time to sign-up and register for our PATHFinder Learning System using the link below and the code you were emailed.
PATHFinder Self-Signup & Registration
This online learning system will allow all staff to complete a set of courses based on their individual training needs, at a time and pace that fits their schedules. Training makes your transition to new software and your day-to-day work much more efficient and enjoyable, so we recommend that your staff register and start training right away.
Be sure that at least one person in your organization takes training for each program module in the Family Suite that you have purchased. If your Diocese has scheduled ParishSOFT hands-on training, make sure you have signed up with your diocese to attend.
Step #11
When your Data Integration into production has been completed you will receive an email notification with the permanent URL for your ParishSOFT site and login information.
Step #12
Begin Using and Enjoy your ParishSOFT Family Suite!