IMP MISC Backup: Servant Keeper 7 Data Extraction


Servant Keeper 7 Data Extraction Instructions

Below are general instructions to assist you with extracting your data out of Servant Keeper 7 for conversion into ParishSOFT.  Your screens may look look slightly different depending on your version of Servant Keeper.  These istructions should help guide you.

If you need instructions specific to your version of Servant Keeper please contact
Servant Keeper Support.

You will need to generate three excel or .txt files

  • Family Information
  • Member Information
  • Contribution Information

Each file will need to have both the individual ID and the family ID included

For the Family and Member information files use Membership Manager

Open Group Keeper

Select All Individual Records from the Group Name list 


For the Family Table select the fields you are using – they will be fields with this icon


At a minimum you need to have the family number, address, city, enabled profile, home phone, home phone unlisted, mailing name, member status, state, zip code.   If you use Secondary addresses you will need to include those.   You could add envelope numbers if you wish them to be on the family record.


Use the  to move the fields selected to the right hand column, then click Save. 


Be aware that this process may take quite a while to run.

After the file is complete choose Save As and save it as an Excel file.

For the Member Table select the fields you are using – they will be fields with this icon , you must include the Family Id and the Individual Id and then at a minimum you need to have the First Name, Gender, Maiden Name, Member Status,  Middle Name, Last Name, Relationship, Suffix and  Title.   You will also want to choose all the sacramental fields, birth date, cell phone, email, employer, occupation and other fields that you use and want converted.


Use the   to move the fields selected to the right hand column then click Save.


Be aware that this process may take quite a while to run. 

After the file is complete choose Save As to save it as an Excel file.


For Contributions use the Contribution Manager

 Choose Listings and List Individuals’ Contributions


Select the fields that you want, being sure to include both the Individual ID and the Family ID.   Selecting the defaults and adding those two fields will give you the information needed for the conversion.  The dates will default to current year and will need to be changed if you want other year’s information converted.   You will want to select Show Split Transaction Detail

Select Save AS and save as an Excel or .csv file.



 3767 Ranchero Drive, Suite 100 | Ann Arbor, MI 48108 | Toll Free 866.930.4774 | Fax 734.205.1011

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