PSG Gear Button - Data Export: How to convert the ParishSOFT Giving CSV files into the format accepted by Parishsoft Family Suite

How to convert the ParishSOFT Giving CSV files into the format accepted by Parishsoft Family Suite

These steps will remove the space(s) around a donation amount in the amount column in ParishSOFT Giving exported files. This is necessary because Parishsoft Family Suite will not accept spaces.

  1. In ParishSOFT Giving, export giving and save the file to your computer (any location that you will remember).
  2. in Excel, open the file and then choose file and Save As to save the file.
  3. As long as CSV is listed as the Save as type, click Save to save it to your computer (any location that you will remember).
  4. If you save the file to the same location you downloaded it to then a dialog box will display; choose “Yes” to replace the original file.

    Another dialog box will display a warning telling you that newer Excel features are not compatible with the CSV format; choose the “Yes” option to continue with the CSV format.
  5. Close Excel.
  6. You may now import the file into Parishsoft Family Suite.

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