PSG Gear Button - Data Export: How to filter out Transaction Types for data exports

How to filter out Transaction Types for data exports

There may be times when you need to filter certain Transaction Types out of a Data Export (ex. Parishes may filter out Text Giving, or ACH donations so that they can post them manually and separately at a later date depending on need).


To filter out certain transaction types, do the following:

  1. Go to the Data Export page by clicking the gear action button in the upper right corner; then click the Data Export card.
  2. Click the Transaction Type drop-down menu
    • Select everything except for the transaction type you do not want.  In this example
      "Formbuilder Credit/Debit"
      and "Formbuilder ACH" (see image below) are being used.
    • When you next create an export, it will not have the undesired transaction types in the export.


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