PSG Gear Button - Managers: How to create or delete a Manager account

How to create or delete a Manager account

  1. Select the Settings menu in the top right corner. (The gear icon)
  2. Select Managers from the available options.

    If you need to delete a Manager, click the link to go to the section: How to delete a Manager account. To create a Manager account, from your Dashboard:

  3. Select the + Add Manager button in the top left corner.Add_Manager.png
  4. Fill out as much information as you'd like to, but you must at least add the following:
    • Name
    • Email Address *Note: Every manager needs a unique email address to prevent login issues and to aid password resets.
    • Password
    • Some Permissions
  5. Click Save when done. (bottom left)


How to delete a Manager account

  1. Select the Action drop-down and choose Delete.Delete_Manager.png
  2. An alert will come up that asks if you would like to delete the select manager. Click Yes.

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