When importing payroll transactions, how to resolve the error, "An account with shortcut xxx does not exist or has been archived"
When trying to import a file, you get the following error message: "An Account with the Shortcut XXX does not exist or has been archived. The transactions cannot be created for this payroll".
You should verify whether the account exists or is archived. If it exists and is active, more than likely you have a formatting problem in your spreadsheet.
For example, your shortcut code is 581, but the Excel spreadsheet shows 581.00 In this case, the cell was formatted as a number which added a decimal and two zeros. Using the general format would resolve this issue.
If the account doesn't exist, it will either have to be added or modified to the correct account. You can do this under the Accounts icon, or in your import file.
If the account is archived, remove the Archive Accounts checkbox under the Accounts window. To do so, click the Accounts icon, pull up the account in Quick Find, uncheck the Archive Account checkbox and then click Submit.
Related Articles:
Import Transactions Troubleshooting
How to reactivate an archived account