PSFS Tuition - Invoices: How to apply a credit to a new invoice

How to apply a credit to a new invoice


Quick start:

  1. Once you have filled in the information for the new invoice, click the Finalize Invoice button.
  2. In the next window, click Apply Credit, which will open the Apply Credit window.
  3. Enter the amount of the credit and choose the invoice item to apply the credit toward (if you do not choose, it will spread the credit across all the items).
  4. Your invoice will show the credit and you may close.


Detailed steps: 

  1. Fill in the information for the new invoice and click the Finalize Invoice button.
  1. In this next window, click Apply Credit, which will open the Apply Credit window​
  1. Enter the amount of the credit or choose the invoice item to apply the credit toward.
    • Note: if you do not choose the invoice item, the credit will spread the credit across all the items.
  1. Select Apply.

  2. Your invoice will show the credit and you may close.

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