PSFS IQ - Query Builder: How to open and view a saved query

How to open and view a saved query

Sections in this article

How to open a saved query

How to open a recently viewed query


How to open a saved query

You can open any query that you saved or any query saved by other users that they designated "Global".

  1. Click My Queries to open the My Queries window.

  2. Select the query you want to open, and then click Open.

Details for the query are displayed on the Intelligent Query page:

  • Name of the query

  • Columns selected

  • Specified conditions

    For example:

If desired, you can perform any of the following tasks:

  • View the properties assigned to this query (for example, the name of the owner). To do this, click Query Properties.
  • Execute the query. To do this, click Execute Query.
  • Modify the query and save over it (replace it). To do this, make the desired changes, and then click Save Query.
  • Modify the query and save a copy of it. To do this, make the desired changes, and then Save Query As.


How to open a recently viewed query

ParishSOFT IQ provides quick access to the last 12 queries you viewed.

  1. Click Recent Queries to open the Recent Queries window.

  2. Select the query you want to open, and then click Open. Details for the query are displayed on the Intelligent Query page:

    • Name of the query

    • Columns selected (in the Result Columns panel)

    • Specified conditions (in the Query Conditions panel)

      For example:

If desired, you can perform any of the following tasks:

  • View the properties assigned to this query (for example, the name of the owner). To do this, click Query Properties.
  • Execute the query. To do this, click Execute Query.
  • Modify the query and save over it (replace it). To do this, make the desired changes, and then click Save Query.
  • Modify the query and save a copy of it under a new name. To do this, make the desired changes, and then Save Query As.





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