PSFS Ministry Scheduler - Preferences: How to set or view minister schedule preferences

How to set or view minister schedule preferences

Ministers need a break now and then; so to make sure their roles are covered, we need to add a schedule excluding the ministers who need to be off-duty. To accomplish this task or to view their current schedule preferences, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Preferences section in Ministry Scheduler.
  2. Click the Funnel icon to search for the Minister by First Name or Last and click Apply.

  3. Click the icon with three people to access the Family Preferences.
    • If the option to avoid scheduling family members at different Sunday obligation events is marked as Yes, this minister may not be auto-scheduled for an event for which he or she might otherwise be available.
  4. From there you can add (or view) Schedule Exceptions for the Individual members.  Just go to Member Preferences.
  5. Now, go to Schedule Exceptions to add (or view) a general date range that applies to all events, or go to Exceptions by Event to add (or view) a date range that only applies to a specific event.


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