How to view and edit the details for a saved query
This article shows you how to view and edit the properties for a query. Properties are the descriptive details about the query, such as the query name, tags, and creation date, that the system maintains for each query you create. Some of these properties are view-only while others can be edited.
Sections in this article
How to view a queries details
- Click My Queries to open the My Queries window.
The My Queries list contains all of the queries created by the logged-in user and queries created by other users and marked as "public" (shared).
For example:
Each query is listed on a line by itself. The following properties are provided for each query in the list:
- Query Name: name of the query. You can rename the query by editing this field (go to Editing a Query's Details).
- Query Tags: tags assigned to the query. You can change the tags by editing this field (go to Editing a Query's Details).
- Date Created: date the query was created and saved.
- Date Modified: date the query was last changed and saved.
- Owner: name of the individual who created the query.
- Global: indicates whether the query is public (checkbox is selected) or private (checkbox is not selected). If desired, you can change the public or private designation. To do this, go to How to edit a query's details.
- You can perform any of the following tasks:
If you are looking for a specific query, you can locate it by using the Filter by Query Tags list. Simply, select a tag from the dropdown list and click Apply to show only those queries with the selected tag.
The list has a built-in column sort feature. If you want to reorder the queries in the list based on the information in a particular column, click the column heading you want to sort on. For example, to view the queries in order by the date created, click the Date Created column header.
If you want to change a query's details, go to How to edit a query's details for instructions.
3. When done, click Close to exit the window.
Editing a Query's Details
- 1. To edit a query's details, click the query's Edit link. brzzzz2
The query is now in edit mode so you can edit the properties. For example, selecting the Active Teen Members query opens the edit modal for the query:
As you can see in the above illustration, you can edit these four properties for a query:
Query Name: to add or change the name, type a new name in the field.
Query Tag: to add or apply a different tag, click[ ] and select the desired tag from the dropdown list.
The only tags in the list are the ones you created. If you need to create a query tag, go to Creating a Tag. After you create the tag, it is available for selection.
- Description: to add or replace a description, type your description in this field.
- Global: to make the query public (shared), select the Global checkbox. To make the query private, deselect the Global checkbox.
- Make the desired changes. Then, click the Update link in the lower right.
The system saves your changes, exits edit mode, and returns you to the My Queries window. The updated properties for the query are visible in the list. - Click Close to exit the My Queries window.
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How to create and manage query tags