PSA L&P - Process: How to change the fiscal year

How to change the fiscal year 

Your managing organization must make the change for you. If you use the software independently of a managing organization, ParishSOFT Support must make the change for you. When you want the change to be made, simply have your church administrator email support with a request to change the fiscal period and including a comment that they understand this change will affect historical as well as future reports (see information below).

What impact does the change have?

Once the fiscal year is changed, all of the prior period reporting will be based on the dates of the new fiscal year.

For example, if your fiscal year starts out as the calendar year and you change it to September 1 to August 31, you will no longer be able to run a Statement of Activities for the calendar year. The software will act as if the fiscal year August - September was always in place.

Note:  If the budget was previously entered you will need to update the budget for the months affected.



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