PSA Church Manager - Password: How to reset a password

For security reasons Support is not able to reset a user's password


How to reset your own password

After going through this process, if you did not receive the temporary password using the Lost Password link, verify that your email is correct in ParishSOFT Accounting once you are able to log in. Also, check your Spam folder.

You can reset your password by clicking the Lost Password link located on the login screen. You will enter your username and a temporary password will be sent to the email associated with your username.

You will be required to change your password when you log in using the temporary credentials. When changing your password, the temporary password is considered your 'current password.'


You will then get an email letting you know of your new temporary password.


  • Click on the link in the email and use the temporary password to enter your own new password.

  • If you did not receive the temporary password using the Lost Password link, verify that your email is correct in ParishSOFT Accounting once you are able to log in.  Also, check your Spam folder.

Your password must contain:

  • At least 8 characters
  • Lower case letters (a-z)
  • Upper case letters (A-Z)
  • Numbers (0-9)

Special characters that you cannot use are ~?
Special characters that can be used are !@#$%^&*)(


Note: If you are using accounting integration see this help article: PSFS Administration - Manage Staff: How to update your accounting integration credentials in ParishSOFT Family Suite after resetting your accounting password




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