How to merge vendor records
Occasionally, you may have two records that you accidentally created for the same vendor. One method you can use to clean up your database is to merge the two records. The merge process takes information from one vendor record and moves it into another vendor record. As part of the process, you can choose to delete the unwanted vendor record after the merge is completed.
If one of the vendor records you are trying to merge is inactive and is a duplicate of the active vendor, first slightly change the active vendor's name to reactivate the inactive vendor. John Smith could be changed to John Smith 2.
To merge two vendor records, complete the following steps:
- In Ledger & Payables → Process → Other Processes, click Merge Vendors.
- The Merge Vendors page displays.
- Select the vendor record you want to transfer information from in the From Vendor dropdown list.
Note: This is the record you do not want to keep. You are going to move all information from this record into the record you want to keep.
The vendor address of the selected vendor displays below the From Vendor field, to help you confirm you have the correct vendor selected.
- If desired, select the Delete ‘From Vendor’ after Merge is complete a checkbox to remove the From Vendor record as part of the merge process.
Note: If you do not select the checkbox to get rid of the From Vendor record, the system keeps the record in your database after the merge.
- Select the vendor record you want to transfer information to in the To Vendor dropdown list. The vendor address of the selected vendor displays below the To Vendor field to help you confirm you have the correct vendor selected.
- Click
The merge process does the following:
- Moves all bill, check, and credit card information from the From Vendor record to the To Vendor record. For reporting purposes, the system retains the vendor name originally used on all transactions.
- Selects the Print 1099 for this vendor checkbox in the record of the To Vendor, if this checkbox is selected in the record of the From Vendor. The system does not transfer the remaining profile information from the record of the From Vendor to the record of the To Vendor.
- Deletes the Distribution data, if specified, from the record of the From Vendor.
- Deletes the From Vendor record, if the user selected the Delete ‘From Vendor’ after Merge is complete a checkbox.
- Creates an Audit log entry to record the change.