PSFS IQ - Query Builder: How to add, remove, or replace a column

How to add, remove, or replace a column

Sections in this article

How to add a column to a query

How to reorder the columns in your Query Results (external article)

How to remove a column from a query

How to replace a column


How to add a column to a query

When designing a query, you must tell ParishSOFT IQ which fields you would like to include in your query as columns. To include a column in a query, you must add it using any one of the following three methods described below. 1) Add Column Link Method,  2) Drag and Drop Method and/or 3) Column Picker Method (The first two steps in each of these last two methods are the same and shown below.)

Drag and Drop or Column Picker Methods (Steps 1-2)

  1. In the Column Picker panel, find the group that contains the column you need. Then, click to expand the group to view all of the columns within. Some groups contain subgroups which can also be expanded. 

  2. Scroll down the list and select the columns you need. For example:

  3. Then, to complete the steps, continue with step 3 from one of these two methods:

Drag and Drop Method

Column Picker Method


Add Column Link Method

  1. In the Result Columns panel, select the [Add new column] link.
  2. From the displayed menu, select the desired column. The selected column is added to the Result Columns panel.
  3. Repeat Steps 1 -2 until all of the columns you want in your query are listed in the Result Columns panel.



Drag and Drop Method

  1. Position your mouse (without clicking) on the name of the selected column. When the cursor is in the correct position, its appearance changes to a double-arrow, as shown in the following illustration:
  1. Click the column and drag it into the Result Columns panel, making sure that you place it directly on top of the [Add new column] link. Then, release the mouse button. 

  1. Repeat Steps 3 and 4 until all of the columns you need in the query are listed in the Result Columns panel.



Column Picker Method

Using the Column Picker works well when you initially choose columns for your query because you can select them and with a single click of a button add them all at once. If you need to add more columns later, consider using the other two methods (Drag and Drop and Add Column Link), which let you add columns individually. If you use the Column Picker to add more columns, you will need to deselect the columns you already added to avoid having duplicate column entries in the Result Columns panel.

  1. At the bottom of the Column Picker panel, click . The selected columns are added to the Result Columns panel on the right.
  1. If you need to add more columns to the query, use the Add Column Link Method or the Drag and Drop Method.
  1. Repeat Step 4 until all of the columns you want in your query are listed in the Result Columns panel.


How to remove a column from a query

If you change your mind and do not want to include a particular column, you can easily remove it.

  1. In the Results Column panel, position your cursor on the column you want to delete.

  2. Slide your cursor to the right until you see this button, and then click it: .


How to replace a column

Sometimes, you select the wrong column or decide that you want to use a different column in your query. Use this procedure to replace a column:

  1. In the Results Column panel, click the link in the Expression column for the column you want to replace.

A list of columns is displayed.

  1. From the list, find the name of the column you want to replace and select it.

The original column is replaced with your selection.


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