How to sort a column's data
Sometimes, you may find it easier to examine the results of your query if the information appears in a certain order. This topic shows you how to sort the data in a column so that the information displays in a specific order
By default, no column's data is sorted. If desired, you can sort a column's data in one of two ways:
Ascending order: arranges the information in increasing order.
- For numeric results: lowest to highest.
- For alphabetic results: in A to Z order.
- For dates and times: from least recent to most recent.
Descending order: arranges the information in decreasing order.
- For numeric results: from highest to lowest.
- For alphabetic results: in Z to A order.
- For dates and times: from most recent to least recent.
Applying a Sort to a Column's Data
The following procedure shows you how to apply a sort to a column's data.
In the Results Column panel, position your cursor on the column whose data you want to sort. Slide your cursor to the left until you see this button:
For example:
to display this menu:
The sort order options are in the first group. Select one:
An icon displays next to the column's name to indicate that the sort function is applied. The direction of the arrow on the icon indicates the direction of the sort: ascending or
Now, when you run the query, results for the column display in the Query Results panel in the order you specified.
Removing a Sort from a Column's Data
If a sort is currently applied to a column's data, one of these icons is displayed next to the name of the column in the Result Columns panel: ascending or
descending. The direction of the arrow on the icon indicates the direction of the sort.
To remove a sort from a column:
Click the icon to display this menu:
Select the Not sorted option. The sort icon is removed from the column to indicate that the sort is no longer applied to the column's data.
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