How to audit activity in ParishSOFT Accounting
If you have the Church Manager Tab at the top left of your screen, you have permissions to look at the Audit Report. If not and you think you should, you must talk to the Administrator who is in charge of setting up permissions for your organization.
To run the Audit, select Church Manager and Audit.
The following screen will display. You may select Search Values and limit the results with a date span and maximum number of transactions entry.
1. Users: You may narrow your search down to one particular user, or leave it at All Users
2. Area: You may narrow your search down to one particular area, or leave it at All Areas. The Area relates to the Table in the results.
3. Transaction Number/Name: If you know a particular Transaction Number and you would like to see the activity for it, you may get the best results leaving Users and Area at the general All setting, and by entering the Transaction Number in this field. This will give you the broadest number of transactions and you will be able to select from the results based on transaction type. See the example below.
4. Audit Date: This can be tricky because it does not represent the transaction date, but instead, the date the transaction updated (entered, deleted, changed). You may leave this blank if you know some of the other criteria for your search.
5. Number of Records: We recommend keeping this number at 100 or fewer if possible. If you raise this number too much higher, processing time will be very degraded and it may not return any results.
6. Search, Reset, Preview Report: Once you have filled in the criteria, click Search to see the results on the screen. Click the Expand button to the right of any transaction for which you need more information. Click Reset to clear all of the Search criteria fields,. Click Preview Report for a printable report.
Using only the Transaction Number: Results on screen
Selecting the Expand Button
Using only Transaction Number: Results on Report