PSA Getting Started - User Options: How to set default accounts for my login

How to set default accounts for my login

By going to User Options, in Ledgers and Payables → Setup, you can set default settings for several fields you use in Data Entry. Click here to see the User Options screen and the options for default settings.

When you update User Options, the settings will be specific to your login. Each person will have to set up their own user options. 

In the Ledger and Payables Module, click Setup, then User Options.


User Options screen

The User Options screen is divided into two parts: User Options and Default Accounts.


User Options

Account Format: Select your preference for how accounts should be displayed in the Account lookup lists throughout the application. Options are: code, description, or shortcut.

For example, if you select code here, when you execute a Quick Find in the Accounts Tab, the default search would be on the code, and that is the field which will be on the left when using the drop-down menu as shown in the image below, left. When you click into the search field, you would use characters from the Code, such as "A-" as shown below right. Selecting Shortcut would display the Shortcut field first and you would enter the beginning shortcut characters in the search field.



Project Format: Choose between displaying Project Data as Group Code: Project or as Project: Group Code in the Project drop-down lists. In the example below, the user options were set to Group Code: Project.


Add Recalculate Button to Reconciliation Processes: When this option is marked, processing your Bank Reconciliation will go faster. This option ensures that every time you mark an item on your Bank Reconciliation, the software doesn't have to recalculate the difference. Instead, you could mark several entries (say all of your checks) and then click the Recalculate button to calculate the balance.

Remove Account Code Dashes: This will remove the dashes from the displays of Account Numbers for the user who has this marked.

Show Memorized Transaction Reminder: This option will give you a reminder when you log into the software if there are Memorized Transactions to process.


Default Accounts

For each of the following, the selected account is the account which will automatically display until you change it to another account. After that, the account you changed it to will be displayed until you change it again or log out and back in. Once you log out and back in, the default account will display.

Bank Account: Set up your default Bank Account here. When you go into Checks, this is the account which will automatically display until you change it to another account. After that, the account you changed it to will be displayed until you change it again or log out and back in. Once you log out and back in, the default account will display.

AP Account: Set up your default Accounts Payable Account here. 

AR Account: Set up your default Accounts Receivable Account here. 

Payroll Bank Account: Set up your default Payroll Checking Account here. 



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