PSA Consolidation Manager - Permissions: FAQ's

Consolidation Manager Permissions FAQs

Do all organizations have access to the Permission Template feature?

Only users who are part of Diocesan data bases have this feature available. (Users in manager, church and church2 do not have access to Permission Templates).

Which user roles can create templates?

Diocesan Administrators are the only type of user who can create templates.  The Templates are created in the Consolidation Manager tab).

Can Permission Templates include Entity Level Restrictions?

Yes, they can.

Which type of users can apply templates?

Diocesan Administrators, Consolidation Users, and Church Administrators can apply templates.

Once a user has been assigned a template, can changes be made?

No, either you use a template, or you customize permissions for the individual user.

For Consolidation Users who have access to multiple organizations, please ensure that the configuration of the template is appropriate for every organization which they can access when assigning the template.

Where do I apply a template?

Templates can be applied by accessing the Consolidation Manager, or Church Manager tabs. You must then assign a template (or No Template) by user.

Are there any user roles that have no restrictions?

Diocesan Administrator and Church Administrator roles do not have any restrictions; therefore they cannot be assigned a template.

Can a user have more than one template?

No, they can either have, “No Template” or they can be assigned a template.  If users have No Template, you can create user restrictions for that individual user.


What is the permissions difference between the login types?

Diocesan Administrator: Diocesan Administrators continue to have full permissions to all organizations within their Diocese.

  • A diocesan Administrator has no restrictions and can authorized ParishSOFT support to perform tasks that the diocese does not have the ability to do. They can also approve services that require a fee.
    • Note: Any service request the diocese has the ability to do such as reopen a period or bank reconciliation would require authorization and a fee would be involved.

Diocesan User: Diocesan User cannot be assigned a permissions template.

  • Diocesan Users have full permissions to all organizations except for the Options menu in the organization’s Church Manager.

Consolidation User: This role has powerful permission controls that limit access to certain areas of the Consolidation Manager module’s features and functions. That is, a Consolidation User can:

  • access organizations to which he or she is assigned
  • send email
  • view reports
  • can not make changes to
    • accounts
    • permission levels
    • role assignments ​

Church Administrator: These users cannot be assigned a permissions template, as they automatically have permission to access all functionality for their organization.

Church User: These users can be assigned any permissions template, or they can be assigned No Template. If No Template is selected, the permissions for this user needs to be manually configured in the Church Manager module of their organization.

Related Articles

How to set permissions for a Church User Account

How to add a new user and set up permissions



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