Created refund bill then deleted the bill causing credit to be unavailable yet still showing (technical issue)
If you delete a bill created through a customer refund of a credit, the result shows the credit as restored on the Customer Balance Report, but not available to use in the Payments screen.
This has been reported as a technical issue to our development team.
In the meantime, to get the Customer's Open Balance Report to match the available credit, you may employ the following transaction: Create a Credit Memo for the original credit memo amount. However, the new Credit Memo would be for a negative amount.
Create a Bill from the Credit screen using the Create Refund Bill button at the bottom of the screen. Then, delete this bill also. This will result in balancing out the two credit memos.
At this point, if your customer really does have a credit, you may add it once more and use it to either create a Bill/Check to refund the customer or to apply to an invoice.
- Customer Smith has a Credit that was entered into ParishSOFT Accounting for $10.00
- The entry clerk clicked the Create Refund Bill at the bottom of the credit, and a Bill was created for Smith for $10.00
- The Bill was deleted.
- Now, the original Credit Memo still shows as Refunded, the credit is not available to use in the Payments screen, but the Credit shows as available on the Customer Balance Report.
To bring these all into balance, the clerk does the following:
- The clerk creates a new Credit for Smith for $ -10.00.
- Then, they click the Create Refund Bill at the bottom of the credit, and a negative Bill is created for Smith for $-10.00.
- The Bill is deleted.
- Now the original Credit Memo shows as Refunded, the new negative Credit Memo shows as Refunded, there is no credit available on the payments screen and the Customer Balance Report shows $0.00 credit available.
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