PSFS Religious Ed (Legacy) - Configuration: How to bulk move students from one class to another within the same term

How to bulk move students from one class to another within the same term

There isn't a feature that does this, but the following process serves the same purpose: create a dummy term and class, promote students into it; finally, promote them into the 'other' class.

  1. Choose Configuration: Manage Terms.
  2. Click New Term. Create a term with a name like "Temp" or "Dummy Term" and fill in all the fake details.
  3. Choose Classes. Select the dummy term you created.
  4. Click Add Class. Add a class with a name like "Dummy Class" and fill in all the fake details.
  5. Choose Tools and select Class Promotion.
  6. On the left, select the student's current term and class.
  7. On the right, select the dummy term and class
  8. Click the green + button for each student you want to move. When done, click Promote Students.
  9. When done, on the left, select the dummy term and class.
  10. Select the NEW term and class on the right side.
  11. Select all the students in the dummy class. When done, click Promote Students

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