PSA Getting Started - Accounts: How to add an account when not part of a diocese

How to add an account (independent organization)

If you are part of a Diocese, please see the Help File, How do I add an Account when I am part of a Diocese?

Adding an Account to your chart is quite simple once your chart has been designed and you know the basic format. 

Step 1: Search for the Account to assure it is not already there. To do so, go to Accounts, Find Account, and look for the account by description and then again by Account Type, just to be sure it doesn't already exist.


You may also go to Reports → Accounts → List, and print a report of your accounts. Narrow down the Account by Entity, Type (Asset, Liability, Income, Expense, Net Asset, or Dedicated). Also, you may narrow it down by Dimension Filters.

Step 2: In Accounts, Click the New Account link at the top left.


Step 3: Select the Account Type from the drop-down: Asset, Liability, Income, Expense, Net Asset, or Dedicated. This will change the Layout of the Account Information Screen depending on the Account Type. For example, if the Account Type is Liability, the screen will display the options for Accounts Payable and Credit Card. These options will not be present for another Account Type.

Step 4: Fill in the other Account Segments. The Segments depend on how you set up the Dimension Codes for each Account Type. 

Step 5: Make sure you use a shortcut that follows the established shortcut format. Keep in mind, the Shortcut is used on reports (for sorting and as a report field) and in data entry. The idea is a field you will easily remember and which is not as long as the actual Account Code. 

Step 6: Once all the fields have been filled in, click the Submit button. 

Related Articles

Add an Account when part of a Diocese

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