When setting up Integration between CNFD and CNA, you are required to enter a Database ID. The codes are listed below: Look below the codes to see where the code must be added in the setup screen.
DatabaseID | Diocese |
35 | AlexandriaCornwall |
39 | AlexandriaCornwallDiocese |
72 | AltoonaJohnstown |
130 | Anchorage |
91 | Atlanta |
114 | Baker |
122 | BakerSchools |
65 | Bismarck |
124 | Camden |
25 | Charlotte |
59 | Cheyenne |
71 | Church |
128 | Church2 |
136 | Church3 |
47 | Cincinnati |
29 | ColoradoSprings |
31 | ColoradoSpringsDiocese |
56 | Crookston |
77 | Denver |
45 | DesMoines |
75 | ElPaso |
20 | Fargo |
98 | FtWayneSouthBend |
126 | GalvestonHouston |
49 | GrandRapids |
27 | GreatFallsBillings |
36 | Jackson |
13 | Joliet |
18 | Juneau |
9 |
LaCrosse (old) |
146 |
LaCrosse (diolc) |
85 | Lansing |
152 | Louisville |
3 | Manager |
96 | Manchester |
87 | Miami |
84 | NewYork |
63 | NewYorkRegions |
74 | NewYorkRegionsUPK |
108 | NewYorkUPK |
110 | OrdinariateStPeter |
51 | OwensboroSchools |
69 | Peoria |
67 | Pueblo |
58 | PuebloDio |
134 | Richmond |
101 | RichmondCM |
137 | RichmondSchools |
139 | SacramentoSchools |
116 | SaltLake |
23 | SaltLakeCity |
103 | SanAntonio |
118 | SantaFe |
120 | SantaFeSchools |
11 | SiouxFalls |
StAugustine |
62 | StPaulMinneapolis |
7 | StPete |
105 | StPetersburg |
135 | StPetersburgHighSchools |
41 | StThomasVI |
42 | StThomasVITraining |
109 | Trenton |
142 | Victoria BC |
112 | Washington |
80 | Winona |
40 | AlexandriaCornwallDioceseTraining |
38 | AlexandriaCornwallTraining |
73 | AltoonaJohnstownTraining |
129 | AnchorageTraining |
92 | AtlantaTraining |
123 | BakerSchoolsTraining |
115 | BakerTraining |
66 | BismarckTraining |
131 | CamdenSandbox |
125 | CamdenTraining |
26 | CharlotteTraining |
60 | CheyenneTraining |
48 | CincinnatiTraining |
34 | ColoradoSpringsDioceseTraining |
30 | ColoradoSpringsTraining |
89 | Conversion |
121 | ConversionQACN |
57 | CrookstonTraining |
2 | Demo |
78 | DenverTraining |
46 | DesMoinesTraining |
1 | Dev |
79 | Dev2 |
12 | DioTraining |
76 | ElPasoTraining |
22 | FargoTraining |
99 | FtWayneSouthBendTraining |
127 | GalvestonHoustontraining |
54 | GrandRapidsTest |
50 | GrandRapidsTraining |
28 | GreatFallsBillingsTraining |
107 | History |
37 | JacksonTraining |
14 | JolietTraining |
19 | JuneauTraining |
86 | LansingTraining |
97 | ManchesterTraining |
117 | MiamiStaging |
88 | MiamiTraining |
64 | NewYorkRegionsTraining |
55 | NewYorkTest |
82 | NewYorkTraining |
90 | NewYorkTrainingClass |
111 | OrdinariateStPeterTraining |
70 | PeoriaTraining |
68 | PuebloTraining |
102 | RichmondTraining |
61 | SalesDemo |
24 | SaltLakeCityTraining |
104 | SanAntonioTraining |
119 | SantaFeTraining |
15 | SiouxFallsTraining |
83 | StPaulMinneapolisTraining |
106 | StPetersburgTraining |
0 | Support |
94 | SupportChurch |
95 | SupportDio |
8 | Test |
32 | Test2CN |
33 | Test3CN |
21 | Test4CN |
132 | TestStPaul |
10 | training |
133 | TrentonTraining |
93 | UsersConference |
113 | WashingtonTraining |
100 | WinonaTest |
81 | WinonaTraining |
Where to put the PSA Database ID
In Family Suite, the Organization Administrator will follow this path: Administration → Organizations → click on Edit Organization Record. You will put the Accounting database ID in the "CNA database ID" field or the "PSA database ID" field.