PSA L&P - Reports: How to export a report to CSV format and open it in Excel

How to export a report to CSV format and open it in Excel 

Sections in this article 

How to export a report and save it 

How to export a report and show it in a new window


How to export a report and save it  

Use the drop-down menu in the upper right corner and select CSV. Then, Select the save icon.


This will give you a downloaded file that can be opened with Excel. Open the downloaded file.

(Saving the file to disk and then finding and opening it is the recommended option)




Export the report and show it in a new window

  • Save the file (you may have to right click and select Save Page As... in order to save).
  • If prompted save the file to your desktop or document (or wherever you would like the file).
  • If you don't get a prompt for a location look for the file in your Downloads folder.
  • Then in Excel open the file you saved.


If these instructions don't work (may depend on your browser) use the following 

  • Save the file (you may have to right-click to save).
  • Then in Excel open the file you saved.

NOTE: Change file type to all files.

See the diagrams below for additional steps. Once completed and you click finish, the Excel file can be manipulated to fit your needs. 


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