PSA Getting Started - Setting Up Reports

Setting up Reports

Set up ParishSOFT Accounting for Printing or Previewing Reports

To print reports:

1. You must be using one of our supported browsers: Firefox, Edge, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, or Safari

2. Adobe Acrobat Reader DC must be installed on your computer, and it must be updated to the most recent version.

3. Your Pop-Up Blocker must have an exception for (your) site. For example, you are in the Atlanta Diocese, your URL would be


Install Adobe Acrobat DC

You may use the following link to Install Adobe Acrobat Reader DC on your local computer.

Note: ParishSOFT Accounting uses the Adobe Acrobat Reader for all Reports, forms, checks, print preview, etc.

Make sure Adobe Acrobat is the default

You may need to right-click on any PDF file you currently have on your computer, then select the Open With option. Then choose Adobe Acrobat DC. This will ensure all PDFs open in Adobe which is important in ParishSOFT Accounting.


Pop-Up Blocker Exception- Add your own ParishSOFT Accounting Site as an exception

This article will show you how to allow Pop-Ups for site





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