PSA L&P - Due To/From: About the Due-To/From Feature (FAQ)

Frequently asked questions Due To/From

What is the advantage of turning on the Due-To-Due-From feature?

When turned on, the Accounting software will automatically create entries to a Due To/From account when transactions cross entities. When this feature is turned on, Statements of Financial Position will always be in balance for each entity.


What do we mean by cross entities?



How do I turn this option on?

You must have Church Administrator Privileges to turn this feature on. If your organization does not have any Church Administrator designations, you must contact your managing organization such as your diocese to turn this feature on.

  • Go to Church Manager → Options

  • Check the box for the Due To/From feature

  • Go to Accounts and create a Due To/From account (either an asset or liability account type) for each entity. Once the accounts are created, you will need to assign the accounts to their entity in Setup, Due To/From Accounts.

Once you turn the option on, the system will look for any transactions that cross entities, as if the feature had always been turned on. Conversely, if you turn the feature off, all of the entries the system had made will no longer exist.


Can I change the Due To/From account for an entity after the feature is set up? 

Yes, you can simply edit the account in the Setup screen (as long as the account has no activity).  


Can Due To/From Accounts be used in transactions?
No, Due To/From Accounts are used by the system to keep your books balances. To remove a balance from a Due To/From account you will need to create a transaction that crosses entities. Example: Due to/from church has a debit balance and school has a credit balance. The school can pay the church the amount owed. This will create a due to from transaction to clear the amount.



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